GTA.CSPROGAMERS.COM Sambata 21:00 1 Level Up GC0UJxoAuthorTopic: GTA.CSPROGAMERS.COM Sambata 21:00 1 Level Up

GTA.CSPROGAMERS.COM Sambata 21:00 1 Level Up QA3M1mQ
GTA.CSPROGAMERS.COM Sambata 21:00 1 Level Up
« on: Sam Mar 15, 2014 2:00 am »


GTA.CSPROGAMERS.COM Sambata 21:00 1 Level Up Snapshot_2014_03_14_163502
GTA.CSPROGAMERS.COM Sambata 21:00 1 Level Up Signature.php?address=93.119.26

GTA.CSPROGAMERS.COM este un server mod GodFather , urmariti mai jos o mica prezentare :

Politia CSPG
National Guard
The Mafia
The Triads

News Reporters
Las Venturas Vagos
Varios Los Aztecas
Grove Street

- Detective (Detectiv)
- Lawyer (Avocat)
- Car Mechanic (Mecanic de masini)
- Bodyguard (Garda de corp)
- Car Dealer (Vanzator de masini)
- Boxer
- Trucker (Camionagiu)
- Garbage Collector (Gunoier)
- Paper Boy (Ziarist)
- Instructor
- Medic


- Arms Dealer (Traficant de arme)
- Drug Dealer (Traficant de droguri)
- Whore
- Car Jacker (Spargator de masini)

Eventuri automate : Primul care tasteaza un anumit cuvant castiga,Vaneaza & Ucide, Money Bag,Servieta, Math Event, Primul la CP-ul rosu castiga $.
Eventuri zilnice : Monster Truck, Destruction Derby, Deagle, Last Man Standing,Last Car Standing, Hide'N'Sseek
**Fast-eventuri si multe altele organizate de catre STAFF zilnic !

1. Pe server exista Need For Speed CLUB

Rank-urile se dau pe baza la Bounty Points care se face prin WANTED!

2. Avem eventul cu servieta din 10 in 10 minute!

3. Multe animati --> /animlist

4. Poti sa vorbesti prin /whisper , /w

5. Un sistem de Masini personale /v create, /v model , /v park /v color --> De la nivel 5.

6. Avem un Event unic ! Vaneaza & Ucide !

7. NRG Gratis de la Level 5 si Masina personala gratis de la level 10 !

8. Let`s GO !


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